All About Judy & Cuvana Gundogs
Within a year of meeting an Irish Water Spaniel at school, I had my first IWS, I began to train my dog as a gundog having been brought up with show cockers all my life. influenced by a family friend who took me out on shoots, my passion for competing in working tests and picking up on shoots grew, I never felt the need to look for an alternative gun dog, instead I bred a litter of Irish water spaniel puppies with the support of my parents at the age of 17yrs.
In 1984 my Irish Water Spaniels represented the breed in Gerald Bishop’s book called ‘Spaniels’. Today I Work and Show my Irish Water Spaniels along with working English Cocker Spaniels & Labs. I find their clownish nature of the IWS endearing and somewhat of a challenge, but every day they make me smile! I take great pride in the fact that my dogs are dual purpose and fit for function and can hold their own in the show ring as Working IWS. I have competed in working tests to open level and continue to pick up on shoots. I have been awarded numerous prizes at Championship shows, including Crufts in both the breed & BASC classes. Follow the link to Judys views on showing at Crufts in the BASC ring
I also judge Irish Water Spaniels & other minority breeds. I am a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor and enjoy training others and running gundog demonstrations at a range of country shows and the Game Fair. March 2019 I took on the challenge of setting up a new club specifically for Working Minority Retrievers, which is going from strength to strength.
WhipCurl Canine Resolve was founded in 2000, and has developed a very special reputation with customers in and around East Sussex.
In 2019 Judy achieved Accreditation with the Kennel Club as a registered gun-dog Instructor.
Judy's son plays a large role in the business helping her at the game fairs, participating in gun-dog demonstrations & working out on shoots with her during the season, he also assists with media & photography for the business. Follow this link to some of the articles he has written
Cuvana Irish Water Spaniels

Quill - Goldenacre Searider@ Cuvana
Quill is out of Goldenacre Connie & Cuvana Loutre Der MerÂ
He has a strong presence in the show ring having been awarded CC'S & RCC'S at Championship shows and has proven himself in the shooting field for 7 seasons now. He has been placed at open level in working tests and has provided us with some great progeny.

Eider - River Forest Irish Eider @ Cuvana
Eider is out of Brontonvale Bella & Quill our stud dog. She is an allround girl having been awarded CC'S & RCC'S at championship shows. She is a fabulous working dog and is performing well in working tests.

Lyric - Cuvana Quills Precious Gift
Lyric is out of Anoushka - Nyllaup Star Anise@Â Â Cuvana & QuillÂ
Top IWS puppy in the breed for 2019Â
Just a year old and his training is slowly progressing. He was placed 1st in his first puppy working test aged 6 months.